Dogsledding at Good Times Adventures in Breckenridge, Colorado — & Two Were Tamed

If you follow me on instagram you often see photos of Kyote and/or dogsledding in my stories. There's dogsledding in Colorado, what is this business?? Let me tell you first how Kyote and I found one another.

After my best girlfriend and I went hitch hiking around the states (yes I know, I need to blog this adventure and I will, I promise, soon) we returned to the beautiful Rocky Mountains and settled back into life in Breckenridge, Colorado. Cassandra had gotten a dog she named Kamala and she was the sweetest little pup! I started longing for a pup of my own but didn't yet think I could make it work with my lifestyle. Cassandra and I met the manager of Good Times Dogsledding who invited us out to the kennel to snuggle husky puppies and run with pups below a year old. Of course, that sounded like a dream come true so we took her up on it. I fell in love with life out at Good Times Adventures (Access to dog sledding and snowmobiling - does life get any better?) and never turned back.

After much consideration I decided I wanted to adopt one of the huskies to adventure with. My ideal dog is one that can keep up with me, run and hike 10+ miles, and relax in the car on roadtrips. As I was narrowing down which pup I wanted to take home, I was informed that we would have an "accident" litter. This meant, one of the ladies had gotten out of her kennel and found a lucky male to romp around with. I was granted the option of taking home a puppy and this is how I met miss Kyote. The most anti social pup of her litter, identical to the sweet cuddly sister of hers that I had originally chosen, and who ended up accidentally coming home with me when she was mistaken for her identical twin. I had a week with her before I could return her to the yard to exchange pups but by the end of it, I just couldn't. I had fallen in love with her stubborn attitude (much like my own) and fiery independence. It wasn't love at first sight, she was a wild little thing, but we grew on each other.

Fast forward to today, Kyote never leaves my side and every weekend through the winter (if I'm not photographing a wedding or an elopement) she joins her sisters on team as a lead sled dog and if I’m lucky I get to ride along on the snowmobile and watch her. Here are a few photos of us dogsledding (Kyote had already run this day) and a few of Kyote snoozing after working hard! 

(Side Note: Huskies are not the breed for everyone! I run 3-5 times a week with Kyote, usually at least 6 miles each time and this does not include the weekends she runs on team. At times I feel like I can barely keep up with her. One time, Kyote ran 27 miles with me and then went on to play with other pups at the dog park like she'd just woke up ready for the day. There are also times that Kyote has chewed apart my life, (mostly as a pup but sometimes out of spite because she wants to run more) this is all to say that, the orneriness of a husky is so so real people. Make sure you run an active lifestyle and if you're considering taking on the wonderful and amazing challenge of such a great breed, feel free to ask me all the questions! Also, Good Times Adventures adopts out older pups who are ready to retire! Want more info? You can click here to learn more about Good Times Adventures and all of the activities they offer - Dog Sledding, Horse Sleigh Rides, and snowmobile tours.) 

